Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thanks to all who submitted doodles last year!

This has been a really exciting project and I want to thank everybody who participated. There are still a few outstanding items that I need to wrap up for '06... I will publish the November and December sketchbooks in the next week. Then I am going to look into publishing a massive annual (it may have to be in 2 volumes). And finally, I am going to schedule the gallery showing of this project using printouts of many of the great submissions from all over the globe, and my original sketchbooks on display. I may even have some prints made....

Anyway, stay tuned for the details and release dates of the books. And, I loved this process so much, I am going to keep it going for a while, so get those submissions in and show me your doodles, sketches and drawings in 2007!


last images of 2006 from todd v

Two Sides to Every Story