Friday, February 03, 2006


As I am working on the first compilation piece to come out of this project, it struck me... This is going to be very HARD! Its hard to find a way to integrate this assortment of incongruous images into a singular concept. Then it hit me, well it actually hit my friend Matt while we were talking at lunch, and then he hit me with the idea...

"set each month up under a particular theme!"

DUH! Why didn't I think of that...?

So going forward each month will have a different theme, like this month will be the human body. Future months may include, spacemen, robots, monsters, retro, party... who knows! But, I will propose a theme each month and look for the submissions that fit with that theme to incorporate into the final print of the month. I will still take any and all submissions you want to send and post them here, and add them to the printed sketchbook collection at the end of the month. Just the poster print of the month will be based upon the theme based images.

So start drawing those eyes, noses, mouths, ears, hands, feet, faces, torsos, legs and arms right away and then send them in! I can't wait to see what the February images look like!


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